The Weizmann Institute of Science

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science


Applications of Analysis:

Game Theory, Spectral Theory and Beyond


A workshop in honor of

Yakar Kannai's 70th birthday


December 25-27, 2012

The Weizmann Institute of Science

Ziskind Building  Lecture Hall (Room 1)


Invited participants include:

Shmuel Agmon
Robert Yisrael Aumann
Richard Beals
Matania Ben-Artzi
Alexandre Girouard
Peter Greiner
Werner Hildenbrand
Bezalel Peleg
Alexei Penskoi

Yehuda Pinchover
Victor  Polterovich
Roberto Raimondo
Joachim Rosenmüller
Martin Shubik
Uzy Smilansky
Michael Solomyak
Cyril Tintarev
Shlomo Weber

A colloquium lecture

by the Nobel Prize winner

Prof. Robert Yisrael Aumann

For the Workshop program click here

Entrance is free but registration is required. To register please fill the following form.

Supported by: The Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger Conference Foundation at the Weizmann Institute of Science 

Organizers: Iosif Polterovich, Université de Montréal,
  Sergei Yakovenko, The Weizmann Institute of Science,

Campus Map (Mathematics and Computer Science - Ziskind Building #40)

Directions to the Institute