Michael Natapov

On projective representations of nilpotent groups

Let k be a field containing a primitive n-root of unity ζ. Let A = (a,b) n be a symbol algebra over k with generators x,y satisfying xn = a, yn = b and xy = ζyx. It is easy to see that the group 〈x,y〉 k×/k× is isomorphic to Zn×Zn and, in fact, A is isomorphic to a twisted group algebra kα(Zn×Zn) for suitable α ∈ H2(Zn×Zn,k×). We refer to Zn×Zn as a projective basis of A. There is a wide class of groups G which are projective bases of central simple algebras, like the group Zn×Zn above, (these are the so called groups of central type). Few of these groups are projective bases of central division algebras. We present a complete classification of such groups and use it to obtain a bound on the Schur index of projective representation of nilpotent groups.