The Weizmann Institute of Science Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Computer Science Seminar Nati Linial Hebrew University will speak on Random lifts of graphs Abstract: Let $G$ and $H$ be two graphs. A map $f:V(H) ---> V(G)$ is a {\it covering map}, if the neighbors of every $x$ are mapped 1:1 onto the neighbors of $f(x)$. If $G$ is connected (as we assume), the preimage of every vertex or edge in $G$ has the same cardinality $n$ (`the order of the covering map $f$'). The class of graphs $H$ that have an order $n$ covering map onto $G$ is studied. It turns out that this class of graphs has a natural structure of a probability space. We consider how typical properties of graphs in this class are related to properties of $G$. Among the topics we study are: Connectivity, girth, expansion, chromatic number and matchings. This talk is based on joint works with: Alon Amit, J. Matousek and E. Rozenman. The lecture will take place in the Lecture Hall, Room 1, Ziskind Building on Monday, June 19, 2000 at 14:30