Winter Solstice Workshop


December, 28-29, 2004



Schedule: ps-file



Abstracts: ps-file



List of Speakers



Arkady Berenstein, Eugene

Title: From geometric crystals to crystal bases. Abstract: ps-file



Roman Bezrukavnikov, Chicago and Jerusalem

Title: Non-restricted representations and coherent sheaves: from positive to zero characteristic. Abstract: ps-file



Alexander Braverman, Providence and Jerusalem

Title: Automorphic D-modules in prime characteristic



Benjamin Enriquez, Strasbourg

Title: Quasi-reflection algebras and special values of multiple polylogarithms. Abstract: ps-file



Michael Finkelberg, Moscow

Title: Quantum sl(n) action in the equivariant K-theory of Laumon spaces. Abstract: ps-file



Victor Kac, Boston

Title:Non-linear algebras. Abstract: ps-file



David Kazhdan, Jerusalem

Title: TBA



Kobi Kremnizer, Tel-Aviv

Title: D-modules on the quantum flag variety. Abstract: ps-file



Boris Noyvert, Rehovot

Title: Pseudo root systems and vertex operator realizations of the Virasoro algebra



Jean Pagnon, Rehovot

Title: The Springer fiber of type A. Abstract: ps-file



Vadim Vologodsky, Chicago

Title: On limit motives