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Netalee Efrat

I am a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the Weizmann Institute of Science under the supervision of Prof. Michal Irani and Prof. Anat Levin My main fields of interest are computer vision, image processing and computational photography.
Email: netalee.efrat (at)


Non-Uniform Blind Deblurring by Reblurring

Yuval Bahat*, Netalee Efrat* and Michal Irani

ICCV 2017, *Equal contributors

Abstract Paper Code Project

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Cinema 3D: Large Scale Automultiscopic Display

Netalee Efrat, Piotr Didyk, Mike Foshey, Wojciech Matusik and Anat Levin

Abstract Paper Project
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Accurate Blur Models vs. Image Priors in Super-Resolution

Netalee Efrat, Daniel Glasner, Alexander Apartsin, Boaz Nadler and Anat Levin
ICCV 2013

Abstract Paper Project