The Weizmann Institute of Science Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Walmart Lecture Series in Cryptography and Complexity Seminar Room, Room 261, Ziskind Building on Monday, November 15, 2010 at 14:30 Refreshments after the lecture Shai Halevi M.I.T. will speak on Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Integers Abstract: We describe a very simple ``somewhat homomorphic'' encryption scheme using only elementary modular arithmetic, and use Gentry's techniques to convert it into a fully homomorphic scheme. Compared to Gentry's construction, our somewhat homomorphic scheme merely uses addition and multiplication over the integers rather than working with ideal lattices over a polynomial ring. The main appeal of our approach is the conceptual simplicity. We reduce the security of our somewhat homomorphic scheme to finding an approximate integer gcd -- i.e., given a list of integers that are near-multiples of a hidden integer, output that hidden integer. We investigate the hardness of this task, building on earlier work of Howgrave-Graham. Joint work with Marten van Dijk, Craig Gentry and Vinod Vaikuntanathan.