
Y. Wexler and D. Simakov. Space-time scene manifolds. In Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05), volume 1, pages 858-863, 2005.

BibTeX Entry

   author = {Y. Wexler and D. Simakov},
   title = {Space-Time Scene Manifolds},
   booktitle = {Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05)},
   year = {2005},
   volume = {1},
   pages = {858--863}

LaTeX Bibliography Item

Y.~Wexler and D.~Simakov.
\newblock Space-time scene manifolds.
\newblock In {\em Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
  (ICCV'05)}, volume~1, pages 858--863, 2005.