WHY I REFUSE TO TAKE PART IN INTERNET DISCUSSIONS [Some extracts from a Hebrew posting, Sept 2010] While I cherish an open dialogue and exchange of opinions, my clear impression is that this is not what takes place in internet discssions, which tend to be pure verbal fights in which each part tries to trick the other and the goal of seeking truth and/or understanding is totally absent. In the few cases I felt forced to participate in such "discussions", I tried in vein to channel the discussion into clear statement of basic positions and a search of the roots of disagreement. Such clear statement and clarifications of the basic principles in dispute may be very useful; in particular, it leads to an understanding of the opposing position, and may even lead to learning from it... However, it seems that the medai of internet discssions over blogs does not promote this type of interaction, but rather the aforementioned verbal fights. This is the reason I see no point in participating in them.