Text Box: Welcome to Yaron Caspi web page

Last update 2008

Text Box: Home(last update 2008)

Text Box: Contact Information:
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
The Weizmann Institute of Science  
Rehovot, 76100, Israel

+972-8-9380913  (voice)
+972-8-9380913  (fax)
+972-52-3572109 (M)
yaron.caspi ''at'' weizmann.ac.il

I may also be found at my company:
caspi ''at'' briefcam.com

Text Box: My research area is computer vision and video information analysis. Specifically I am interested in analysis and interpretation of visual information, action representation detection recognition. One of my research goals is to develop core technologies and applications for solving real-world vision problems. 
I am currently working on:
· Visualization of  video clips.
· Video Segmentation.
· Studding  the dynamics of a flock of birds, using multiple video cameras.   
Additional topics may be found in  the list of recent projects. 
Students interested in one of the above topics are welcome.

Text Box: Brief Biography 

Text Box: Research statement  

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