Course on Approximation Algorithms, November 2018 - February 2019

by Uri Feige

Some lecture notes from the 2015 course Linear Programming and Combinatorial Optimization are relevant to this course:

The linear algebra of linear programs
The ellipsoid algorithm, embeddings into Euclidean space
Coloring 3-colorable graphs

Handouts (homework) for course.

Handout 1 (14 November 2018): Vertex Cover and Set Cover
Handout 2 (28 November 2018): Greedy algorithms
Handout 3 (12 December 2018): Dynamic programming, local search.
Handout 4 (26 December 2018): Deterministic rounding of LPs.
Handout 5 (9 January 2019): Randomized rounding of LPs.
Handout 6 (30 January 2019): Randomized rounding and SDPs.

If you find errors in handouts, please let me know.

Take home exam (20 February 2019): Hand in by 2pm Feb 27.
Clarifications for the exam (24 February 2019).

Advanced course on Approximation Algorithms, March 2019 - July 2019

Some lecture notes:

Feedback Vertex Set (March 27, April 3, 2019).
Metric Facility Location (April 3-10, 2019).

Handouts (homework) for course.

Handout 1 (10 April 2019): Metric facility location.
Handout 2 (15 May 2019): Multiway cut and multi-cut.
Handout 3 (19 June 2019): Metric embeddings.
Handout 4 (17 July 2019): Final exam.