Double-DIP: Unsupervised Image Decomposition via Coupled Deep-Image-Priors

Yossi Gandelsman, Assaf Shocher, Michal Irani

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Many seemingly unrelated computer vision tasks can be viewed as a special case of image decomposition into separate layers. For example, image segmentation (separation into foreground and background layers); transparent layer separation (into reflection and transmission layers); Image dehazing (separation into a clear image and a haze map), and more. In this paper we propose a unified framework for unsupervised layer decomposition of a single image, based on coupled "Deep-image-Prior" (DIP) networks. It was shown [Ulyanov et al] that the structure of a single DIP generator network is sufficient to capture the low-level statistics of a single image. We show that coupling multiple such DIPs provides a powerful tool for decomposing images into their basic components, for a wide variety of applications. This capability stems from the fact that the internal statistics of a mixture of layers is more complex than the statistics of each of its individual components. We show the power of this approach for Image-Dehazing, Fg/Bg Segmentation, Watermark-Removal, Transparency Separation in images and video, and more. These capabilities are achieved in a totally unsupervised way, with no training examples other than the input image/video itself.

Supplementary Material

Please click on one of the links bellow:

Image Dehazing

Watermarks Removal

Image and Video Transparency Separation

Image and Video Segmentations

Experiments Setups and Results