Home page of Moni Naor

The Judith Kleeman Professorial Chair

Description: Description:

Moni Naor     מוני נאור

Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot 76100 ISRAEL

Office Phone: +972-8-934-3701
Home Phone: +972-3-644-8781
Fax: +972-8-934-4122
Ziskind Building , Room 248
Email: Description: Description: moni.naor at weizmann
 dot ac dot il

 I am a professor of computer science at the Weizmann Institute of Science. My research is in Foundations of Computer Science, especially Cryptography.

Papers Available On-line

  All On-line Papers, Recent Papers, By Topic, Technical Reports

SCADA: Societal Concerns in Algorithms and Data Analysis

Games, Optimization and Optimism: Workshop in Honor of Uri Feige

Foundations of Computer Science at the Weizmann Institute


Gal Arnon
Hila Dahari
Tomer Grossman
Adar Hadad
Maya Segal
Itai Slovatik

Former PhD:

Danny Harnik - now at IBM Research
Tzvika Hartman (joint with Ron Shamir) - now at Google
Ilan Komargodski - Hebrew University
Yehuda Lindell (joint with Oded Goldreich) - now at Bar-Ilan University
Tal Moran - now at IDC
Kobbi Nissim - now at Ben-Gurion University
Asaf Nussbaum
Benny Pinkas - now at Bar-Ilan University
Omer Reingold - now  at Stanford
Alon Rosen - now at IDC
Gil Segev  - Hebrew University
Udi Wieder - now at VMware
Avishai Wool  (joint with David Peleg) - now at Tel-Aviv University
Eylon Yogev Bar-Ilan University

Former MSc:

Yoav Ben Dov
Shahar Cohen

Ran Halperin
Bar Karov
Gillat Kol Hillel Maoz
Roey Magen
Boaz Menuhin
Uri Nadav
Noa Oved
Eugene Pekel
Guy Rothblum
Sitvanit Ruah
Adi Schindler
Neil Wexler
Asaf Ziv

Courses home page:


Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science 2015 (6th ITCS)

Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science 2014 (5th ITCS)

Old Program Committees

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