Dorit Ron
Dr. Dorit Ron
Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot 76100
Tel: +972-8-9342141
Fax: +972-8-9342945 or +972-8-9344122
Research Interests
- The Bitcoin transaction graph
- Multi-scale computational methods
- Practical approaches to "hard" optimization problems
- Multilevel optimization techniques
- The robotic arm inspired by the octopus arm movement
- Inverse renormalization group
- Monte-Carlo Methods
- Simulated Annealing
List of Publications
Citations on Google Scholar
Ron D., Flash T. and Brandt A.
On Octopus arm and multigrid techniques for nonlinear constrained minimization.
Submitted to the Journal of Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (SIAM) 2013.
Ron D. and Shamir A.
Quantitative Analysis of the Full Bitcoin Transaction Graph.
In Proceeding of the 17th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security in Okinawa, Japan, 2013.
Springer-Verlag, A.-R. Sadeghi (Ed.): FC 2013, LNCS 7859, pp. 6-24, Berlin Heidelberg 2013.
Ron D., Safro I. and Brandt A.
Relaxation based coarsening and multiscale graph organization.
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (SIAM) 9(1): 407-423, 2011.
Feige U. and Ron D.
Finding hidden cliques in linear time
DMTCS proc. AofA'10, AM, pp. 189-204, 2010.
Ron D., Safro I. and Brandt A.
A Fast Multilevel Algorithm for Energy Minimization under Planar Density Constraints.
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (SIAM) 8(5): 1599-1620, 2010.
Safro I., Ron D. and Brandt A.
Fast Multilevel Algorithms for Linear Ordering Problems
A book chapter in:
"In Computational Optimization: New Research Developments",
Nova Science Publishers, pp. 313-324 ISBN: 978-1-60692-671-0, 2010.
Safro I., Ron D. and Brandt A.
Multilevel Algorithms for Linear Ordering Problems
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics.
Vol. 13, pp. 1.4-1.20, 2008.
Safro I., Ron D. and Brandt A.
A Multilevel Algorithm for the Minimum 2-sum Problem
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications,
Vol. 10/2, pp. 237-258, 2006.
Safro I., Ron D. and Brandt A.
Graph Minimum Linear Arrangment by Multilevel
Weighted Edge Contraction
Journal of Algorithms,
Vol. 60/1, pp. 24-41, 2006.
Ron D. Wishko-Stern S. and Brandt A.
An Algebraic Multigrid based Algorithm for Bisectioning General Graphs
Technical Report MCS05-01
January, 2005. Submitted to the Journal of Discrete Algorithm, March 2005.
Ron D., Swendsen R. H. and Brandt A.
Computer simulations at
the fixed point using an inverse renormalization group transformation
Physica A
346: 387-399, 2005.
Brandt A. and Ron D.
Multigrid solvers and Multilevel Optimization Strategies
A book chapter in:
"Multilevel Optimization and VLSICAD"
(J. Cong and J. R. Shinnerl, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2003, (Chapter 1, 1:69)
Ron D., Swendsen R. H. and Brandt A.
Inverse Monte Carlo Renormaliztion Group Transformations for Critical Phenomena
Phys. Rev, Lett.,
89: 275702 (4 pages), December 2002.
Ron D., and Swendsen R. H.
The importance of multispin couplings in renormalized Hamiltonians.
Phys. Rev, E.,
66: 056106-1 (4 pages), 2002.
Ron D., and Swendsen R. H.
Calculation of effective Hamiltonians for renormalized or non-Hamiltonian systems
Phys. Rev, E.,
63: 066128-1 (7 pages), 2001.
Brandt A. and Ron, D.
Renormalization Multigrid (RMG): Statistically Optimal Renormalization Group Flow and Coarse-to-Fine Monte Carlo Acceleration
J. Stat. Phys.,
102 (1-2): 231-257, 2001.
Brandt A. and Ron, D.
Renormalization Multigrid (RMG):
Coarse-to-Fine Monte Carlo Acceleration and Optimal Derivation of Macroscopic Description
Multiscale Computational Methods in Chemistry,
NATO Science Series III, Vol. 177. (A. Brandt, J. Bernholc, and K. Binder, eds.), pp. 163-186. Amsterdam, 2000, ISO press.
Brandt A., Galun M. and Ron D.
Optimal multigrid algorithms for calculating thermodynamic limits
J. Stat. Phys.,
74 (1-2): 313-348, 1994.
Kandel D., Domany E., Ron D., Brandt A. and Loh E.
Simulations without Critical Slowing Down
Phys. Rev, Lett.,
60 (16): 1591-1594, 1988.
Brandt A., Ron D. and Amit D. J.
Multilevel approaches to discrete-state and stochastic problems
In Proceedings of
Multigrid Methods
II in Cologne, 1985. (W. Hackbusch and U. Trottenberg, eds.), pp. 66-99. Springer-Verlag, 1986.
Rosemberg F., Pnueli A., Ruhman S. and Ron D. CSP and Ada: Protocols for Interprocess Communication in Common Bus Systems
In Proceedings of the 14th
Convention of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IEEE
(Cat. No.85CH2075-0), IEEE, 1985, pp.3.2.4/1-4. New York, NY, USA.
Ron D., Rosemberg F., and Pnueli A. A Hardware Implementation of the CSP Primitives and its Verification.
In Proceedings of the 11th
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 1984)
Volume 172 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 423-435, Springer-Verlag, 1984.
Course taught (2008): Hard optimization problems: Pratical Approach
Lecture 1: Introducion
Lecture 2: Relaxation of a single variable
Lecture 3: Relaxation of a single variable (cont.)
Lecture 4: Relaxation of a small subset of variables: minimization of a quadratic function under linear constraints
Lecture 5: Relaxation of a small subset of variables: minimization of a quadratic function under linear inequality constraints; Linear Programming
Lecture 6: Geometric (classical) Multigrid, Bilinear interpolation
Lecture 7: Linear Programming
Lecture 8: Simulated Annealing
Lecture 9: Simulated Annealing, Lowest Common Configuration, Genetic Algorithms and spectral sequencing
Lecture 10: Classical (Geometric) MultiGrid
Lecture 11: Classical (Geometric) MultiGrid (cont.)
Lecture 12: Algebraic MultiGrid (AMG)