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Robert Krauthgamer (רוברט קראוטגמר)
Professor (and Department Head) Jump to Research ~ Service ~ Teaching ~ Students ~ Links ~ Contact |
Most of my papers are available online:
Chronologically or by keyword.
It includes slides of additional talks
(e.g. more introductory).
Journal Editorial.
SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP), Editor-in-Chief (2019-today), Associate Editor (2012-2017).
Theory of Computing, an
open-access journal, Managing Editor (2007-2018),
and Editorial Board Member (2004-2007, 2019-today).
Conferences Program Committees. ICALP 2025, WoLA 2024, STOC 2020, HALG 2018 (PC chair), ICALP 2018, ESA 2017, HALG 2017, IPDPS 2017, FOCS 2016, HALG 2016, SODA 2016 (PC chair), SIMBAD 2015, SODA 2015, ICALP 2014, SIMBAD 2013, STOC 2013, ICML 2012, ITCS 2012, SIMBAD 2011, APPROX 2011, SODA 2010, APPROX 2009, APPROX 2007, STOC 2007, RANDOM 2005, STOC 2004, APPROX 2003.
List of accepted papers to SODA 2016 and accepted papers with abstracts. Here is a version with with links to full papers (when available publicly).Workshop Organization.
Algorithmic tools and their applications in emerging models of computation (Shonan) 2025.
Massive Data Models and Computational Geometry (Hausdorff Center for Mathematics) 2024.
Weizmann-Warwick Meeting 2023.
Fine Grained Approximation Algorithms and Complexity (Bertinoro 2019).
Warwick-Weizmann workshop 2019.
Weizmann-Warwick Meeting 2018.
Sublinear Algorithms and Nearest-Neighbor Search (Simons Institute 2018).
Sublinear Algorithms (Johns Hopkins 2016).
Sublinear Algorithms (Bertinoro 2014),
Weizmann-Warwick Meeting 2012.
Warwick-Weizmann workshop 2011.
Sublinear Algorithms (Bertinoro 2011).
Weizmann-Warwick Meeting 2010.
Steering Committee member, Symposium of Discrete Algorithms (SODA) conference (2022-today).
Steering Committee member, European Symposia on Algorithms (ESA) conference (2017-2021).
Steering Committee member, Highlights of Algorithms (HALG) conference (2016-today).
Committee member, Gödel Prize (2019-2021).
Organizer of Weizmann's TheoryLunch (email me to join the mailing list).
Coordinator of the Foundations of computer science (aka theory) seminar
(2009-2017, joint with Moni Naor).
Coordinator of
Ulpanot de Shalit
in Mathematics and Computer Science (2011-2012 and 2015-2016, joint with
Dmitry Novikov /
Dima Gourevitch /
Shahar Dobzinski),
a workshop for select undergraduate students.
Treasurer of the Israel Mathematical Union
MSc Students.
Dvir Peretz, current.
Nir Petruschka, current.
Dvir Plaksin, current.
Sharon Stein, current.
Yotam Kenneth, 2024,
Cut Sparsification and Succinct Representation of Submodular Hypergraphs.
Ron Mosenzon, 2022,
Exact flow sparsification requires unbounded size.
Noa Oved, 2022 (supervised jointly with Moni Naor),
Bet-or-Pass: Adversarially robust bloom filters.
Matan Danos, 2021 (supervised jointly with Shaofeng Jiang, PKU),
Coresets for Clustering by Uniform Sampling and Generalized Rank Aggregation.
Lior Kalman, 2021,
Flow Metrics on Graphs.
Shay Sapir, 2021,
Near-Optimal Entrywise Sampling of Numerically Sparse Matrices.
Roi Sinoff, 2019,
Schatten Norms in Matrix Streams: Hello Sparsity, Goodbye Dimension.
David Reitblat, 2019,
Sliding-Window Streaming Algorithms for Graph Problems and l_p-Sampling.
Yevgeny Levanzov, 2018,
On Finding Large Cliques in Random and Semi-Random Graphs.
Yosef Pogrow, 2017,
Solving Symmetric Diagonally Dominant Linear Systems in Sublinear Time (and Some Observations on Graph Sparsification).
Otniel van Handel, 2016,
Vertex Cover Approximation in Data Streams.
Chen Attias (now Amiraz), 2016 (supervised jointly with Retsef Levi, MIT),
Combinatorial Optimization Problems with Testing.
Noa Loewenthal, 2014,
Exploiting temporal information for detecting communities in social networks.
Dmitry Kogan, 2014,
Sketching Cuts in Graphs and Hypergraphs.
Inbal (now Havana) Rika, 2013,
Mimicking Networks and Succinct Representations of Terminal Cuts.
Nimrod Talmon, 2012,
Selection in the Presence of Memory Faults, With Applications to In-place Resilient Sorting.
Tamar Zondiner, 2012,
Eliminating Steiner Vertices in Graph Metrics.
PhD Students.
Yotam Kenneth, current.
Shay Sapir, current.
Chen Amiraz, 2024 (supervised jointly with Boaz Nadler).
Sparse Estimation under Noise: Algorithms and Guarantees.
Ohad Trabelsi, 2020 (supervised jointly with Eden Chlamtac, BGU),
Algorithms and lower bounds for all-pairs max-flow.
Havana Rika, 2020,
Terminal Face Cover in Planar Graphs: Sparsifiers, Embeddings and More
Arnold Filtser, 2019 (at BGU, supervised jointly with Ofer Neiman),
On Refined Notions of Embeddings.
Lior Kamma, 2017,
Algorithms for Graphical Vertex Sparsifiers
Michael (Mik) Zlatin, 2024-2025.
Amir Carmel, 2024-2024.
Ohad Trabelsi, 2020-2021.
Diptarka Chakraborty,
Shaofeng Jiang,
Nimrod Talmon,
Bundit Laekhanukit,
2015-2017 (jointly with Uriel Feige).
Rajesh Chitnis,
2014-2017 (jointly with Uriel Feige).
Gilad Tsur,
Tsvi Kopelowitz,
Michael Dinitz,
2010-2013 (jointly with David Peleg).
Lee-Ad Gottlieb,
Office: | Ziskind Building #222 |
Phone: | 08-9344281 |
Fax: | 08-9344122 (to my attention) |
Mailing Address: | Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, The Weizmann Institute of Science, 234 Herzel St., P.O.B. 26, Rehovot 76100, ISRAEL. |
Email: | robert.krauthgamer@weizmann.ac.il |