Moderate Dimension Reduction for k-Center Clustering
(AA ,
ME )
Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Shay Sapir .
In Proceedings of SoCG 2024 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Fully Scalable MPC Algorithms for Clustering in High Dimension
(AA ,
ME )
Artur Czumaj ,
Guichen Gao,
Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Pavel Vesely .
In Proceedings of ICALP 2024 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
/ video lecture ]
Cut Sparsification and Succinct Representation of Submodular Hypergraphs
(AA )
Yotam Kenneth and
Robert Krauthgamer.
In Proceedings of ICALP 2024 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Lower Bounds for Pseudo-Deterministic Counting in a Stream
(AA ,
CC )
Vladimir Braverman ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Aditya Krishnan , and
Shay Sapir .
In Proceedings of ICALP 2023 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Streaming Euclidean Max-Cut: Dimension vs Data Reduction
(AA ,
ME )
Xiaoyu Chen,
Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang ,
Robert Krauthgamer.
In Proceedings of STOC 2023 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Clustering Permutations: New Techniques with Streaming Applications
(AA ,
ME )
Diptarka Chakraborty ,
Debarati Das ,
Robert Krauthgamer.
In Proceedings of ITCS 2023 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
An Algorithmic Bridge Between Hamming and Levenshtein Distances
(AA )
Elazar Goldenberg ,
Tomasz Kociumaka ,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Barna Saha .
In Proceedings of ITCS 2023 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Recovery Guarantees for Distributed-OMP
(AA )
Chen Amiraz,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Boaz Nadler .
In Proceedings of AISTATS 2024 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ ee ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Exact Flow Sparsification Requires Unbounded Size
(AA )
Robert Krauthgamer
Ron Mosenzon.
In Proceedings of SODA 2023 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Optimal Vertex-Cut Sparsification of Quasi-Bipartite Graphs
(AA )
Itai Boneh
Robert Krauthgamer.
Manuscript, April 2022.
[abstract ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
The Power of Uniform Sampling for Coresets
(AA ,
ME )
Vladimir Braverman ,
Vincent Cohen-Addad ,
Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Chris Schwiegelshohn ,
Mads Bech Toftrup,
Xuan Wu .
In Proceedings of FOCS 2022 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Streaming Facility Location in High Dimension via Geometric Hashing
(AA ,
ME )
The latest version (on arxiv) with improved bounds has an additional coauthor (Arnold Filtser).
Artur Czumaj ,
Arnold Filtser ,
Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Pavel Vesely ,
Mingwei Yang.
In Proceedings of FOCS 2022 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Comparison of Matrix Norm Sparsification
(AA )
Robert Krauthgamer and
Shay Sapir .
Algorithmica ,
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[journal version:
/ doi ]
Breaking the Cubic Barrier for All-Pairs Max-Flow: Gomory-Hu Tree in Nearly Quadratic Time
(AA )
Amir Abboud ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Jason Li ,
Debmalya Panigrahi ,
Thatchaphol Saranurak ,
and Ohad Trabelsi .
In Proceedings of FOCS 2022 .
An early version of this paper was titled "Gomory-Hu Tree in Subcubic Time".
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Gap Edit Distance via Non-Adaptive Queries: Simple and Optimal
(AA )
Elazar Goldenberg ,
Tomasz Kociumaka ,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Barna Saha .
In Proceedings of FOCS 2022 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Almost-Linear ε-Emulators for Planar Graphs
(AA ,
ME )
Hsien-Chih Chang ,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Zihan Tan .
In Proceedings of STOC 2022 .
The full version has an improved bound and thus its title changed from almost-linear to near-linear.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version (improved bound):
arXiv ]
Friendly Cut Sparsifiers and Faster Gomory-Hu Trees
(AA )
Amir Abboud ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
and Ohad Trabelsi .
In Proceedings of SODA 2022 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Coresets for Kernel Clustering
(AA ,
ME )
Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Jianing Lou,
Yubo Zhang.
In Machine Learning , 2024.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[journal version:
/ doi ]
Approximate Trace Reconstruction via Median String (in Average-Case)
(AA ,
ME )
Diptarka Chakraborty ,
Debarati Das ,
Robert Krauthgamer.
In Proceedings of FSTTCS 2021 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Coresets for Clustering with Missing Values
(AA ,
ME )
Vladimir Braverman ,
Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Xuan Wu .
In Proceedings of NeurIPS 2021 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ ee ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
APMF < APSP? Gomory-Hu Tree for Unweighted Graphs in Almost-Quadratic Time
(AA )
Amir Abboud ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
and Ohad Trabelsi .
In Proceedings of FOCS 2021 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Spectral Hypergraph Sparsifiers of Nearly Linear Size
(AA )
Michael Kapralov ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Jakab Tardos,
Yuichi Yoshida .
In Proceedings of FOCS 2021 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Smoothness of Schatten Norms and Sliding-Window Matrix Streams
(AA )
Robert Krauthgamer and
Shay Sapir .
To appear in Information Processing Letters ,
September 2023.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[journal version:
/ doi ]
Distributed Sparse Normal Means Estimation with Sublinear Communication
(AA )
Chen Amiraz,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Boaz Nadler .
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA ,
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[journal version:
/ doi ]
Subcubic Algorithms for Gomory-Hu Tree in Unweighted Graphs
(AA )
Amir Abboud ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
and Ohad Trabelsi .
In Proceedings of STOC 2021 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Towards Tight Bounds for Spectral Sparsification of Hypergraphs
(AA )
Michael Kapralov ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Jakab Tardos,
Yuichi Yoshida .
In Proceedings of STOC 2021 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Streaming Algorithms for Geometric Steiner Forest
(AA ,
ME )
Artur Czumaj ,
Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Pavel Vesely .
ACM Transactions on Algorithms , 2024.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of ICALP 2022 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[journal version:
/ doi ]
Near-Optimal Entrywise Sampling of Numerically Sparse Matrices
(AA )
Vladimir Braverman ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Aditya Krishnan , and
Shay Sapir .
In Proceedings of COLT 2021 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ ee ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Approximating the Median under the Ulam Metric
(AA ,
ME )
Diptarka Chakraborty ,
Debarati Das ,
Robert Krauthgamer.
In Proceedings of SODA 2021 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Cut-Equivalent Trees are Optimal for Min-Cut Queries
(AA )
Amir Abboud ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
and Ohad Trabelsi .
In Proceedings of FOCS 2020 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Coresets for Clustering in Excluded-Minor Graphs and Beyond
(AA ,
ME )
Vladimir Braverman ,
Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Xuan Wu .
In Proceedings of SODA 2021 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
/ video lecture ]
Faster Algorithms for Orienteering and k-TSP
(AA ,
ME )
Lee-Ad Gottlieb ,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Havana Rika.
Theoretical Computer Science , 2022.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[journal version:
/ doi ]
Sublinear Algorithms for Gap Edit Distance
(AA )
Elazar Goldenberg ,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Barna Saha .
In Proceedings of FOCS 2019 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Labelings vs. Embeddings: On Distributed Representations of Distances
(AA ,
ME )
Arnold Filtser ,
Lee-Ad Gottlieb , and
Robert Krauthgamer.
Discrete and Computational Geometry , 2023.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of SODA 2020 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[journal version: arXiv
/ doi ]
Schatten Norms in Matrix Streams: Hello Sparsity, Goodbye Dimension
(AA )
Vladimir Braverman ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Aditya Krishnan , and
Roi Sinoff.
In Proceedings of ICML 2020 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ ee ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Coresets for Clustering in Graphs of Bounded Treewidth
(AA ,
ME )
Daniel Baker ,
Vladimir Braverman ,
Lingxiao Huang,
Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Xuan Wu .
In Proceedings of ICML 2020 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ ee ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Tight Recovery Guarantees for Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Under Gaussian Noise
(AA )
Chen Amiraz,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Boaz Nadler .
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA ,
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[journal version:
/ doi ]
Almost-Smooth Histograms and Sliding-Window Graph Algorithms
(AA )
Robert Krauthgamer
David Reitblat.
Algorithmica ,
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[full version:
/ doi ]
Coresets for Ordered Weighted Clustering
(AA ,
ME )
Vladimir Braverman ,
Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Xuan Wu .
In Proceedings of ICML 2019 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ ee ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
New Algorithms and Lower Bounds for All-Pairs Max-Flow in Undirected Graphs
(AA )
Amir Abboud ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
and Ohad Trabelsi .
Theory of Computing (ToC) , 2021.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of SODA 2020 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
[journal version:
pdf /
doi ]
Universal Streaming of Subset Norms
(AA )
Vladimir Braverman ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Lin F. Yang .
Theory of Computing (ToC) , 2022.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
[journal version:
pdf /
doi ]
On Solving Linear Systems in Sublinear Time
(AA )
Alexandr Andoni ,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Yosef Pogrow.
In Proceedings of ITCS 2019 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
[slides ]
Noisy Voronoi: a Simple Framework for Terminal-Clustering Problems
(AA ,
ME )
Arnold Filtser ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
and Ohad Trabelsi .
In Proceedings of SOSA 2019 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Flow-Cut Gaps and Face Covers in Planar Graphs
(AA ,
ME )
Robert Krauthgamer,
James R. Lee , and
Havana (Inbal) Rika.
In Proceedings of SODA 2019 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Batch Sparse Recovery, or How to Leverage the Average Sparsity
(AA )
Alexandr Andoni ,
Lior Kamma,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Eric Price .
Manuscript, July 2018.
[abstract ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Faster Algorithms for All-Pairs Bounded Min-Cuts
(AA ,
CC )
Amir Abboud ,
Loukas Georgiadis ,
Giuseppe F. Italiano ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Nikos Parotsidis ,
Ohad Trabelsi ,
Przemysław Uznański , and
Daniel Wolleb-Graf .
In Proceedings of ICALP 2019 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Stochastic Selection Problems with Testing
(AA )
Chen Attias,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Retsef Levi and
Yaron Shaposhnik .
Manuscript, December 2017.
[abstract ]
[full version:
The Set Cover Conjecture and Subgraph Isomorphism with a Tree Pattern
(AA ,
CC )
Robert Krauthgamer and
Ohad Trabelsi .
In Proceedings of STACS 2019 .
Merges "Revisiting the Set Cover Conjecture" arXiv:1711.08041v1 and "Conditional Lower Bound for Subgraph Isomorphism with a Tree Pattern" arXiv:1708.07591 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Refined Vertex Sparsifiers of Planar Graphs
(AA ,
ME )
Robert Krauthgamer and
Havana (Inbal) Rika.
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics , 2020.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
[journal version: pdf
/ doi ]
Conditional Lower Bounds for All-Pairs Max-Flow
(AA ,
CC )
Robert Krauthgamer and
Ohad Trabelsi .
ACM Transactions on Algorithms , 2018.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of ICALP 2017 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[journal version:
/ doi
/ arXiv ]
Matrix Norms in Data Streams: Faster, Multi-Pass and Row-Order
(AA )
Vladimir Braverman ,
Stephen R. Chestnut ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Yi Li ,
David P. Woodruff ,
Lin F. Yang .
In Proceedings of ICML 2018 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ ee ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
Color-Distance Oracles and Snippets
(AA ,
ME )
Tsvi Kopelowitz ,
and Robert Krauthgamer.
In Proceedings of CPM 2016 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
Streaming Symmetric Norms via Measure Concentration
(AA ,
ME )
Jaroslaw Blasiok,
Vladimir Braverman ,
Stephen R. Chestnut ,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Lin F. Yang .
In Proceedings of STOC 2017 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
[slides ]
Tight Bounds for Gomory-Hu-like Cut Counting
(AA )
Rajesh Chitnis ,
Lior Kamma,
and Robert Krauthgamer.
In Proceedings of WG 2016 .
Update: The latest version (on arXiv) contains additional references to previous work (which have some overlap with our results).
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
[slides ]
Sparsification of Two-Variable Valued CSPs
(AA )
Arnold Filtser
and Robert Krauthgamer.
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics , 2017.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[full version:
arXiv ]
[journal version: pdf
/ doi ]
Local Reconstruction of Low-Rank Matrices and Subspaces
(AA )
Roee David,
Elazar Goldenberg , and
Robert Krauthgamer.
Random Structures and Algorithms ,
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[full version:
ECCC Report TR15-128
/ doi ]
Towards Resistance Sparsifiers
(AA )
Michael Dinitz ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
and Tal Wagner .
In Proceedings of RANDOM 2015 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search in Metrics of Planar Graphs
(AA ,
ME )
Ittai Abraham ,
Shiri Chechik ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
and Udi Wieder .
In Proceedings of APPROX 2015 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
Metric Decompositions of Path-Separable Graphs
(AA ,
ME )
Lior Kamma
and Robert Krauthgamer.
Algorithmica ,
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[full version: arXiv
/ doi ]
Sketching and Embedding are Equivalent for Norms
(AA ,
ME )
Alexandr Andoni ,
Robert Krauthgamer
and Ilya Razenshteyn .
SIAM Journal on Computing , 2018.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of STOC 2015 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
[journal version:
/ doi ]
[slides ]
Sketching Cuts in Graphs and Hypergraphs
(AA )
Dmitry Kogan
and Robert Krauthgamer.
In Proceedings of ITCS 2015 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
Cheeger-Type Approximation for Sparsest st-Cut
(AA ,
ME )
Robert Krauthgamer
and Tal Wagner .
ACM Transactions on Algorithms , 2016.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[journal version:
/ doi
/ arXiv ]
Spectral Approaches to Nearest Neighbor Search
(AA ,
ME )
Amirali Abdullah ,
Alexandr Andoni ,
Ravindran Kannan ,
and Robert Krauthgamer.
In Proceedings of FOCS 2014 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
[slides /
video lecture ]
On Sketching Quadratic Forms
(AA )
Alexandr Andoni ,
Jiecao Chen ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Bo Qin,
David P. Woodruff ,
and Qin Zhang .
In Proceedings of ITCS 2016 .
Merges arXiv:1403.7058
titled "The Sketching Complexity of Graph Cuts" with
[ abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
Orienting Fully Dynamic Graphs with Worst-Case Time Bounds
(AA )
Tsvi Kopelowitz ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Ely Porat ,
and Shay Solomon .
In Proceedings of ICALP 2014 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
Multiply Balanced k-Partitioning
(AA )
Amihood Amir ,
Jessica Ficler,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Liam Roditty ,
and Oren Sar Shalom.
In Proceedings of LATIN 2014 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
Towards (1+ε)-Approximate Flow Sparsifiers
(AA ,
ME )
Alexandr Andoni ,
Anupam Gupta ,
Robert Krauthgamer.
In Proceedings of SODA 2014 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
[slides ]
Non-Uniform Graph Partitioning
(AA )
Robert Krauthgamer,
Joseph (Seffi) Naor ,
Roy Schwartz ,
Kunal Talwar .
In Proceedings of SODA 2014 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
Do Semidefinite Relaxations Solve Sparse PCA up to the Information Limit?
(AA )
Robert Krauthgamer,
Boaz Nadler , and
Dan Vilenchik .
Annals of Statistics , 2015.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[journal version: pdf
/ arXiv
/ doi ]
Cutting corners cheaply, or how to remove Steiner points
(AA ,
ME )
Lior Kamma,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Huy L. Nguyen
SIAM Journal on Computing , 2015.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of SODA 2014 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
[journal version: pdf
/ doi ]
Adaptive Metric Dimensionality Reduction
(AA ,
ME )
Lee-Ad Gottlieb ,
Aryeh Kontorovich
and Robert Krauthgamer.
Invited to a special issue of
Theoretical Computer Science , 2016.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of ALT 2013 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[journal version: arXiv
/ doi ]
Mimicking Networks and Succinct Representations of Terminal Cuts
(AA )
Robert Krauthgamer and
Inbal Rika.
In Proceedings of SODA 2013 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
Faster Clustering via Preprocessing
(AA ,
ME )
Tsvi Kopelowitz and
Robert Krauthgamer.
Manuscript, July 2012.
[abstract ]
[full version: arXiv ]
Everywhere-Sparse Spanners via Dense Subgraphs
(AA )
Eden Chlamtac ,
Michael Dinitz ,
and Robert Krauthgamer.
In Proceedings of FOCS 2012 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
Preserving Terminal Distances using Minors
(AA ,
ME )
Robert Krauthgamer,
and Huy L. Nguyen ,
and Tamar Zondiner.
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics , 2014.
Preliminary version (authored by Krauthgamer and Zondiner) in Proceedings of ICALP 2012 .
[ abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi
/ arXiv ]
[journal version: pdf
/ doi ]
The Traveling Salesman Problem: Low-Dimensionality Implies a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme
(AA ,
ME )
Yair Bartal ,
Lee-Ad Gottlieb ,
and Robert Krauthgamer.
SIAM Journal on Computing , 2016.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of STOC 2012 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[journal version: pdf
/ doi
/ arXiv ]
Efficient Regression in Metric Spaces via Approximate Lipschitz Extension
(AA ,
ME )
Lee-Ad Gottlieb ,
Aryeh Kontorovich
and Robert Krauthgamer.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory , 2017.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of SIMBAD 2013 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
[journal version: pdf /
doi ]
Min-Max Graph Partitioning and Small-Set Expansion
(AA ,
ME )
Nikhil Bansal ,
Uriel Feige ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Konstantin Makarychev ,
Viswanath Nagarajan ,
Joseph (Seffi) Naor ,
Roy Schwartz .
Invited to a special issue of
SIAM Journal on Computing , 2014.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of FOCS 2011 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi
/ arXiv ]
[journal version: pdf
/ doi ]
Streaming Algorithms via Precision Sampling
(AA ,
ME )
Alexandr Andoni ,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Krzysztof Onak
In Proceedings of FOCS 2011 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
Fault-Tolerant Spanners: Better and Simpler
(AA ,
ME )
Michael Dinitz ,
and Robert Krauthgamer
In Proceedings of PODC 2011 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
Directed Spanners via Flow-Based Linear Programs
(AA ,
ME )
Michael Dinitz ,
and Robert Krauthgamer
In Proceedings of STOC 2011 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
Approximating sparsest cut in graphs of bounded treewidth
(AA )
Eden Chlamtac ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
and Prasad Raghavendra
In Proceedings of APPROX 2010 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
Vertex Sparsifiers: New Results from Old Techniques
(AA ,
ME )
Matthias Englert ,
Anupam Gupta ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Harald Raecke ,
Inbal Talgam-Cohen
Kunal Talwar .
SIAM Journal on Computing , 2014.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of APPROX 2010 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
[journal version: pdf
/ doi ]
[slides ]
[video lecture ]
Proximity algorithms for nearly-doubling spaces
(AA ,
ME )
Lee-Ad Gottlieb ,
and Robert Krauthgamer.
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics , 2013.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of APPROX 2010 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[journal version: pdf /
doi ]
Efficient classification for metric data
(AA ,
ME )
Lee-Ad Gottlieb ,
Aryeh (Leonid) Kontorovich
and Robert Krauthgamer.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory , 2014.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of COLT 2010 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ ee ]
[full version: arXiv ]
[journal version: pdf /
doi ]
Polylogarithmic approximation for edit distance and the asymmetric query complexity
(AA )
Alexandr Andoni ,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Krzysztof Onak
In Proceedings of FOCS 2010 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[full version: arXiv ]
A nonlinear approach to dimension reduction
(ME )
Lee-Ad Gottlieb
and Robert Krauthgamer
Discrete and Computational Geometry , 2015.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of SODA 2011 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[journal version: arXiv
/ doi ]
[presentation: slides /
video lecture ]
How hard is it to approximate the best Nash equilibrium?
(CC )
Elad Hazan
and Robert Krauthgamer
SIAM Journal on Computing , 2011.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of SODA 2009 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[journal version: pdf /
doi ]
Partitioning Graphs into Balanced Components
(AA ,
ME )
Robert Krauthgamer,
Joseph (Seffi) Naor ,
Roy Schwartz .
In Proceedings of SODA 2009 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
Approximate Line Nearest Neighbor in High Dimensions
(AA ,
ME )
Alexandr Andoni ,
Piotr Indyk ,
Robert Krauthgamer, and
Huy L. Nguyen
In Proceedings of SODA 2009 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
Overcoming the l _1 non-embeddability barrier: Algorithms
for product metrics
(AA ,
ME )
Alexandr Andoni ,
Piotr Indyk and
Robert Krauthgamer
In Proceedings of SODA 2009 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[slides ]
The Smoothed Complexity of Edit Distance
(AA )
Alexandr Andoni and
Robert Krauthgamer
ACM Transactions on Algorithms , 2012.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of ICALP 2008 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf /
doi ]
[journal version:
pdf /
doi ]
Distance Estimation Revisited: Drawing a Computational View of Embeddings
(AA ,
CC ,
ME )
Alexandr Andoni and
Robert Krauthgamer
Manuscript, July 2007.
Metric Clustering via Consistent Labeling
(AA ,
ME )
Robert Krauthgamer and
Tim Roughgarden
Theory of Computing (ToC) , 2011.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of SODA 2008 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf /
doi ]
[journal version: pdf /
doi ]
The Computational Hardness of Estimating Edit Distance
(AA ,
CC ,
ME )
Alexandr Andoni and
Robert Krauthgamer
Invited to a special issue of
SIAM Journal on Computing , 2010.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of FOCS 2007 .
[ abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf /
doi ]
[journal version: pdf /
doi ]
[slides ]
Earth Mover Distance over High-Dimensional Spaces
(AA ,
ME )
Alexandr Andoni ,
Piotr Indyk and
Robert Krauthgamer
In Proceedings of SODA 2008 .
Previously as
ECCC Report TR07-04 , April 2007.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[report version: pdf ]
[conf. version: pdf /
doi ]
Greedy list intersection
(AA )
Robert Krauthgamer,
Aranyak Mehta ,
Vijayshankar Raman, and
Atri Rudra
In Proceedings of ICDE 2008 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf /
doi ]
Pricing commodities, or how to sell when buyers have restricted valuations
(AA )
Robert Krauthgamer,
Aranyak Mehta , and
Atri Rudra
Invited to a special issue of
Theoretical Computer Science , 2011.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of WAOA 2007 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
[journal version: pdf
/ doi ]
On triangulation of simple networks
(AA ,
ME )
Robert Krauthgamer
In Proceedings of SPAA 2007 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
Estimating the Sortedness of a Data Stream
(AA ,
CC )
Parikshit Gopalan ,
T. S. Jayram ,
Robert Krauthgamer and
Ravi Kumar
In Proceedings of SODA 2007 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf /
ee ]
Algorithms on negatively curved spaces
(AA ,
ME )
Robert Krauthgamer and
James R. Lee
In Proceedings of FOCS 2006 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
Embedding the Ulam metric into l_1
(AA ,
ME )
Moses Charikar
and Robert Krauthgamer.
Theory of Computing (ToC) , 2006.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[journal version: ps /
pdf /
doi ]
Improved lower bounds for embeddings into L_1
(AA ,
ME )
Robert Krauthgamer and
Yuval Rabani .
SIAM Journal on Computing , 2009.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of SODA 2006 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf
/ ee ]
[journal version: pdf
/ doi ]
On the hardness of approximating multicut and sparsest-cut
(CC )
Shuchi Chawla ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Ravi Kumar ,
Yuval Rabani ,
and D. Sivakumar .
Invited to special issue of Computational Complexity , 2006.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of CCC 2005 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf
/ doi ]
[journal version: ps
/ pdf
/ doi ]
The sketching complexity of pattern matching
(AA ,
CC )
Ziv Bar-Yossef ,
T. S. Jayram ,
Robert Krauthgamer
and Ravi Kumar .
In Proceedings of RANDOM 2004 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf
/ doi ]
Approximating edit distance efficiently
(AA ,
ME )
Ziv Bar-Yossef ,
T. S. Jayram ,
Robert Krauthgamer
and Ravi Kumar .
In Proceedings of FOCS 2004 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf
/ doi ]
Measured descent: A new embedding method for finite metrics
(ME )
Robert Krauthgamer,
James R. Lee ,
Manor Mendel
and Assaf Naor .
Geometric and Functional Analysis (GAFA) , 2005.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of FOCS 2004 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf
/ doi ]
[journal version: ps
/ pdf
/ doi
/ arXiv ]
The black-box complexity of nearest neighbor search
(AA ,
ME )
Robert Krauthgamer
and James R. Lee
Invited to a special issue of
Theoretical Computer Science , 2005.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of ICALP 2004 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version ]
[journal version : ps
/ pdf
/ doi ]
Focused Sampling: Computing Topical Web Statistics
(WWW )
Ziv Bar-Yossef ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
and Tapas Kanungo
IBM Research Report
RJ 10339, February 2005.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[report version ]
Object location in realistic networks
(AA ,
ME )
Kirsten Hildrum ,
Robert Krauthgamer
and John Kubiatowicz
In Proceedings of SPAA 2004 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf ]
Navigating nets: Simple algorithms for proximity search
(AA ,
ME )
Robert Krauthgamer
and James R. Lee
In Proceedings of SODA 2004 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf ]
[slides ]
Approximate classification via earthmover metrics
(AA ,
ME )
Aaron Archer ,
Jittat Fakcharoenphol ,
Chris Harrelson ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Kunal Talwar ,
Eva Tardos
In Proceedings of SODA 2004 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version ]
Asymmetric k-center is log^*n-hard to Approximate
(CC )
Julia Chuzhoy ,
Sudipto Guha ,
Eran Halperin ,
Sanjeev Khanna ,
Guy Kortsarz ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
and Joseph (Seffi) Naor
Journal of the ACM , 2005.
Preliminary version in
ECCC Report TR03-035 , May 2003.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[report version ]
[journal version: ps
/ pdf ]
Bounded geometries, fractals, and low-distortion embeddings
,ME )
Anupam Gupta ,
Robert Krauthgamer
and James R. Lee
In Proceedings of FOCS 2003 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf ]
Detecting protein sequence conservation via metric embeddings
,ME )
Eran Halperin ,
Jeremy Buhler ,
Richard Karp ,
Robert Krauthgamer
and Ben Westover
In 11th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
(ISMB 2003 ),
pp. 122-129, June 2003.
[abstract ]
[conf. version: pdf
/ doi ]
Constant factor approximation of vertex-cuts in planar graphs
(AA )
Eyal Amir ,
Robert Krauthgamer
and Satish Rao
In Proceedings of
STOC 2003 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf
/ doi ]
The intrinsic dimensionality of graphs
(ME )
Robert Krauthgamer
and James R. Lee
Combinatorica , 2007.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of STOC 2003 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf ]
[journal version:
/ pdf
/ doi ]
[slides: ppt / pdf ]
Polylogarithmic inapproximability
(CC )
Eran Halperin
and Robert Krauthgamer
In Proceedings of STOC 2003 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf ]
Integrality ratio for Group Steiner Trees and Directed Steiner Trees
(AA )
Eran Halperin ,
Guy Kortsarz ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Aravind Srinivasan
and Nan Wang
SIAM Journal on Computing , 2007.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of
SODA 2003 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[slides ]
[conf. version ]
[journal version: ps
/ pdf
/ doi ]
Property testing of data dimensionality
,ME )
Robert Krauthgamer and
Ori Sasson
In Proceedings of
SODA 2003 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[slides ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf ]
Hardness of approximation for vertex-connectivity
network design problems
(CC )
Guy Kortsarz ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
and James R. Lee
SIAM Journal on Computing , 2004.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of
APPROX 2002 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version ]
[journal version ]
Metric embeddings -- beyond one-dimensional distortion
(ME )
Robert Krauthgamer,
Nati Linial
and Avner Magen
Discrete and Computational Geometry , 2004.
(Earlier version in
UC Berkeley Technical Report #CSD-02-1181, May 2002.)
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[report version ]
[journal version: ps
/ doi ]
The probable value of the Lovasz-Schrijver relaxations for maximum
independent set
( AA )
Uriel Feige
and Robert Krauthgamer
SIAM Journal on Computing , 32(2):345-370, 2003.
Previously as
Weizmann Institute Technical Report # MCS-02-01, January 2002.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[report version ]
[journal version: ps
/ pdf ]
[my slides from the Bertinoro Workshop ]
Private approximation of NP-hard functions
(CC )
Shai Halevi ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Eyal Kushilevitz and
Kobbi Nissim
In 33rd Symposium on Theory of Computing
(STOC 2001 ),
pp. 550-559, July 2001.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version ]
Online server allocation in a server farm via benefit task systems
,WWW )
T. S. Jayram ,
Tracy Kimbrel ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Baruch Schieber and
Maxim Sviridenko .
In Proceedings of STOC 2001 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf ]
[slides: ppt
/ pdf )]
On approximating the achromatic number
,CC )
Guy Kortsarz and Robert Krauthgamer
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics , 2001.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of SODA 2001 .
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version ]
[full version ]
A polylogarithmic approximation of the minimum bisection
(AA )
Uriel Feige and Robert Krauthgamer
SIAM Journal on Computing , 2002.
Preliminary version in Proceedings of FOCS 2000 .
Awarded the SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize in July 2005.
Invited to SIAM Review (SIGEST section), 2006.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version ]
[journal version ]
[further expanded version: ps
/ pdf
/ doi ]
[slides ]
Approximating the minimum bisection size
(AA )
[abstract ]
Uriel Feige , Robert Krauthgamer
and Kobbi Nissim
In 32nd Symposium on Theory of Computing
(STOC 2000 ),
pp. 530-536, May 2000.
[conf. version ]
A journal version for some results from this paper:
Improved classification via connectivity information
,WWW )
[abstract ]
Andrei Broder ,
Robert Krauthgamer and
Michael Mitzenmacher .
In 11th Symposium of Discrete Algorithms
(SODA 2000 ),
pp. 576-585, January 2000.
[conf. version ]
Finding and certifying a large hidden clique
in a semi-random graph
( AA )
Uriel Feige and Robert Krauthgamer
Random Structures and Algorithms 16(2): 195-208, 2000.
Previously as
Weizmann Institute Technical Report # MCS99-04, January 1999.
[abstract ]
[report version ]
[journal version ]
[my slides from the Bertinoro Workshop ]
Improved performance guarantees for bandwidth minimization heuristics
(AA )
Uriel Feige and Robert Krauthgamer
Unpublished manuscript, November 1998.
[manuscript ]
Networks on which hot-potato routing does not livelock
(AA )
Uriel Feige and Robert Krauthgamer
Distributed Computing , 13(1):53-58 , 2000.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[journal version: ps
/ pdf
/ doi ]
Stereoscopic families of permutations, and their applications
,ME )
[abstract ]
Uriel Feige and Robert Krauthgamer
In 5th Israel Symposium on the Theory of Computing and Systems
(ISTCS 1997 ),
pp. 85-95, June 1997.
[abstract ]
[bibtex ]
[conf. version: ps
/ pdf
/ doi ]
Data vs Dimension Reduction in High-Dimensional Streams
[newer shorter slides , slides ]
Presented at Shonan workshop on
New Frontiers in Locality in Computation , 2023.
Earlier version at
EPFL's Sublinear Algorithms workshop , December 2022.
Earlier version at FOCS 2022 workshop on Advances on Metric Embeddings , November 2022.
Sketching Graphs and Combinatorial Approximation
Invited talk at SODA 2021 .
[slides ]
Earlier versions: Invited talk at ICALP 2020
[slides /
video lecture ],
Invited talk at FSTTCS 2019 .
Vertex Sparsification of Cuts, Flows, and Distances
[slides ]
Presented at WorKer (workshop on kernelization) in Norway, 2015.
On Sketching Quadratic Forms
[slides ]
Presented at the second Sublinear Day at MIT, 2015.
Efficient Approximation of Edit Distance
[slides ]
Invited talk at SPIRE 2013 .
Algorithmic Frontiers of Doubling Metric Spaces
[slides ]
[video lecture ]
Presented at EPFL's
Algorithmic Frontiers Workshop ,
Efficient Algorithms via Precision Sampling
[slides /
video lecture ]
Presented at the Open University's
Fifth Israel CS Theory Day ,
Vertex Sparsifiers: New Results from Old Techniques
[slides /
video lecture ]
Presented at a Newton Insitute
Embedding workshop , 2011.
A metric notion of dimension and its applications to learning
[slides /
video lecture ]
Presented at ICML/COLT Workshop
Learning in Non-(geo)metric Spaces , 2010.
Overcoming the L_1 Non-Embeddability Barrier
[slides ]
Presented at an IPAM workshop
Quantitative and Computational Aspects of Metric Geometry , 2009.
Similarity searching, or how to find your neighbors efficiently
[slides: ppt
/ pdf ]
Presented at the
Weizmann CS Research Day for Prospective Students
and at the Weizmann FUN seminar, 2009.
Metric Embeddings As Computational Primitives
[slides ]
[video lecture:
or lo-res ]
Presented at Princeton Workshop
Geometry and Algorithms , 2008.
On Embedding Edit Distance into L1
[slides ]
Presented at Dagstuhl workshop
Probabilistic Methods in the Design and Analysis of Algorithms , 2007.
Coping with NP-hardness:
Approximating minimum bisection and heuristics for maximum clique
[abstract ]
Robert Krauthgamer. Supervisor: Uriel Feige .
Ph.D. thesis, Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics,
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. April 2001.
[thesis: gzipped ps
/ pdf ]
Simple algorithms for hot-potato routing
[abstract ]
Robert Krauthgamer. Supervisor: Uriel Feige .
M.Sc. thesis, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science,
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. October 1996.
[thesis: gzipped ps
/ pdf ]
Dynamic resource allocation using known future benefits
T. S. Jayram ,
Tracy Kimbrel ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Maria Minkoff,
Baruch Schieber and
Maxim Sviridenko .
US Patent 7085837 , issued August 1, 2006,
7765301 , issued July 27, 2010.
Dynamic resource allocation using projected future benefits
T. S. Jayram ,
Tracy Kimbrel ,
Robert Krauthgamer,
Baruch Schieber and
Maxim Sviridenko .
US Patent 7308415 , issued December 11, 2007.
Computer system management and throughput maximization under peak power constraints
Nimrod Megiddo
and Robert Krauthgamer.
US Patent 7587621 , issued September 8, 2009,
8046605 , issue October 25, 2011.
System, method, and service for using a focused random walk to produce samples on a topic from a collection of hyper-linked pages
Ziv Bar-Yossef ,
Tapas Kanungo
and Robert Krauthgamer.
US Patent 7640488 , issued December 29, 2009.
Method of obtaining data samples from a data stream and of estimating the sortedness of the data stream based on the samples
Parikshit Gopalan ,
T. S. Jayram ,
and Robert Krauthgamer.
US Patent 7797326 , issued September 14, 2010.
Adaptive greedy method for ordering intersecting of a group of lists into a left-deep AND-tree
Robert Krauthgamer,
Aranyak Mehta ,
Vijayshankar Raman
Atri Rudra .
US Patent 7925604 , issued April 12, 2011.
System and method for detecting matches of small edit distance
Ziv Bar-Yossef ,
T. S. Jayram ,
Robert Krauthgamer and
Ravi Kumar.
IBM Invention Disclosure ARC-920050044-US1, filed September 2005.
Method, computer program product, and device for conducting a multi-criteria similarity search
Tapas Kanungo
Robert Krauthgamer,
and James Rhodes.
IBM Invention Disclosure ARC-920060059-US1, filed in US December 2006.
Available upon
email request
The original publication is available from