Yael Hitron

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science, working with Prof. Ronen Eldan and Prof. Itai Benjamini. Prior to that, I obtained my Ph.D. and M.Sc. also at the Weizmann Institute, where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Merav Parter and Prof. Uriel Feige, respectively. Before that, I completed my B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science at Ben-Gurion University (BGU).

My current research focuses on both small and large language models. I am also interested in theoretical computer science, particularly in studying biological neural networks from an algorithmic perspective, and distributed algorithms with byzantine adversaries.


  • Secure Distributed Network Optimization Against Eavesdroppers
    Yael Hitron, Merav Parter and Eylon Yogev
    ITCS 2023

  • Broadcast CONGEST Algorithms Against Eavesdroppers
    Yael Hitron, Merav Parter and Eylon Yogev
    DISC 2022 [paper]

  • Broadcast CONGEST Algorithms Against Adversarial Edges
    Yael Hitron and Merav Parter
    DISC 2021 [arxiv] [talk]
    Best Student Paper Award at DISC'21

  • General CONGEST Compilers Against Adversarial Edges
    Yael Hitron and Merav Parter
    DISC 2021 [PDF] [talk]
    Best Student Paper Award at DISC'21

  • Spiking Neural Networks Through the Lens of Streaming Algorithms
    Yael Hitron, Cameron Musco and Merav Parter
    DISC 2020 [arxiv] [talk]

  • Random Sketching, Clustering, and Short-Term Memory in Spiking Neural Networks
    Yael Hitron, Nancy Lynch, Cameron Musco and Merav Parter
    ITCS 2020 [paper]

  • The Computational Cost of Asynchronous Neural Communication
    Yael Hitron, Merav Parter and Gur Perri
    ITCS 2020 [paper]

  • Counting to Ten with Two Fingers: Compressed Counting with Spiking Neurons
    Yael Hitron and Merav Parter
    ESA 2019 [arxiv]

  • The Ordered Covering Problem
    Uriel Feige and Yael Hitron
    Algorithmica 2016 [paper]


Since 2023 I am a Lecturer at the Reichman University, teaching Discrete Mathematics.

Lecturer at the Google Reichman Tech School, 2022.

TA at the Reichman University, teaching the following courses.
      • Data Structures, 2018-2021.
      • Introduction to Computer Science, 2017.
During 2018-2019 I was also a lecturer at the WeCode program. WeCode is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help young adults from social and geographical periphery learn programming with the intention of being incorporated into the Israeli Hi-Tech industry. This training is provided with no charge.

Contact me

Email: yael.hitron (at) weizmann.ac.il
Office: Jacob Ziskind Building, room 147 Weizmann Institute of Science.