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Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
The Weizmann Institute of Science
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Oded Goldreich

Position: Faculty member
E-mail: [email]
Office: Ziskind Building, room 145.
Address: see below
Phone: withheld
Fax: (972 8) 934 4122 [indicate my name]
Photos: google album (contains also recent ones)
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Brief Academic Profile

I am a Professor of Computer Science at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. My research interests lie within the theory of computation. Specifically, my main research areas are the interplay of randomness and computation (specifically, property testing, various types of pseudorandomness and probabilistic proof systems). In addition, I am interested in complexity theory at large and have (out-dated) expertise in the foundations of cryptography.

For more details, see academic profile and Curriculum Vitae.

BOOKS and LECTURE NOTES (information and texts available on-line)

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See also edited books: in memory of Shimon Even, on property testing, and on the work of Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali

PAPERS available on-line [See Copyright Notice.]


In Memory of Shimon Even (1935-2004)
See Eulogies, tributes, personal stories and messages as well as commemoration projects including a book in his memory, awards to commemorate him, series of memorial lectures, and work in his memory.

Mailing Address

The zip-code (76100(01)) may cause more harm than good, if used for mailing from the US.


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