Some Talks by Oded Goldreich
last updated: July 2024
All files are in the directory T,
which contains an index file.
I intend to make a collection of scanned slides of some of my past talks
and all of my future talks (i.e., starting 2008).
Note that the files dating prior to 2008
are the result of scanning handwritten slides.
See also my list of publication
and list of papers available on-line.
The talks are arranged by topics.
In each topic, survey talks come first,
and research contributions (marked RC) follow.
General Overviews
- The bright side of hardness:
Demomstrates the usefulness of computational intractability
(in cryptography).
Prepared for the mini-Workshop on Cryptography of ECM08,
July 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
See slides and
(Superseeds a shorter presentation
(4 slides + extras), prepared for an advanced undergraduate class
(Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, April 2006).)
- On the Foundations of Modern Cryptography:
Advocating the need for firm foundations.
Prepared for Crypto'97, Santa Barbara, Cal., USA.
- General Cryptographic Protocols
(aka Secure Multi-Party Computation).
Prepared for Joachim von zur Gathen's 60th B-day,
Bonn, Germany, 2010.
Old slides on how to solve any protopcol problem,
late 1980s.
- RC:
a candidate one-way function, 2000?
- RC: Private Information Retreival, 1995.
An overview of the general paradigm
and some of its instantiations,
prepared for the LevinFest,
July 2024, Boston, US.
See old slides and
prepared for the Workshop on Randomness and Complexity,
July 2006, Bristol, England.
A short survey focused
on general-purpose pseudorandom generators,
somewhat technical, prepared in 1989.
- RC:
In a world of BPP=P,
see also some thoughts
regarding unconditional derandomization,
August 2010.
Other aspects of complexity theory
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