Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry 2012-2013, WIS

Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry


The course will usually take place on Wednesdays at 10:00 in Room 261 of the Ziskind Building in the 2012-2013 academic year. We will start on Nov 5, and have ~25 meetings.

Prerequisites: Linear algebra and familiarity with the notions of ring, ideal and topological space. The speed and the details level of the exposition of some basic topics will depend on the audience.

I will be giving exercises on almost every meeting. I will not force you to submit the exercises, but I encourage you to do so. Good grades for exercises can approve the final grade. We will have a take-home exam at the end of the course.


Exercises: Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Exercise 7.5 Exercise 9
Semester II: Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6


1. Kempf "Algebraic varieties"

2. Atiyah-Macdonalds "Introduction to commutative algebra"

3. Eisenbud "Commutative Algebra With a View Toward Algebraic Geometry"

4. A course by A. Gathmann

5. Groel, Pfister "A Singular introduction to computer algebra"

6. Computer algebra system "Singular", "surf"


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